The British army infantry use these rucksacks, or 'bergans' as their main source for carrying equipment. Tough and sturdy are understatements when referring to this bit of gear, you'll be sure to get a long, long, life out of it.
If you plan on going hiking or hunting, then this bag would be a great companion. Large enough to hold all your travelling, cooking and eating utensils. It won't lose its form either, as it has a sturdy, internal frame. As the Short version is designed for people under 173cm tall, the Long is for those 173cm+ in height. An awesome feature is the ability to add on PLCE pouches to the sides (not included) which can add 20 litres more of carrying capacity should you need it.
- Genuine British Army surplus
- Strong internal frame
- Zip up outer lid pocket
- Large front pouch
- Padded back area
- Adjustable shoulder and waist straps
- Side zips & clips for attaching PLCE pouches
- Internal snow collar
- Internal pocket to lid
Dimensions: approx. 70cm H x 36cm W x 26cm D (not including front pouch measurements)
Volume: approx. 70 Litres
Weight: 2.85kg
Contents: Nylon
Colour: MTP
Condition: Used/Good - Item is well used. There may be marks/stains/scratches or repairs, but it is still in functioning order. If you want more information on our condition ratings, check out our condition guide
Estimate shipping
21 Mar
- 27 Mar
Estimated Delivery by
15 Mar
Order placed
18 Mar - 19 Mar
21 Mar - 27 Mar